Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Salsa Chicken

Last week I found a crockpot recipe online that sounded pretty good.  Basically it was chicken, salsa, and some veggies.  Easy enough.  My husband, Josh, doubted the outcome would be worth the labor of making it (which is bad considering it's all thrown in a slow cooker and left alone!)  Being the loving wife that I am, I decided to prove him wrong.  I tweeked the recipe and rightfully gloated the eight hours as the blisfully smelling crockpot did it's work.  I also had a wonderfully smug smile as Josh took his first bite and said, "Huh...this is really good."  Score!  Sadly I didn't take a picture of it.  If anyone makes this before I do again, please send it to me!  :)  Silly slacker me!

The best part?  It cost about $9 for all the ingredients, fed all of us (well, the baby only had a few nibbles of it honestly) and still had leftovers.  I'd say it'd give 6 good servings of food.  Not bad at all.

My recipe:

1 1/2 lbs chicken, skinless and boneless (we used breast tenderloin)
1 can of black beans (drained)
1 can corn
2 cups of salsa (we used medium heat and it was on the chunkier side, next time I want to use homemade)
Instant Rice
Flour Tortillas

Put the chicken on the bottom of the crock pot and put on low.  In a bowl mix the beans, corn, and salsa.  Pour onto chicken, put the lid on, and cook for 7 1/2 hours.  After 7 hours get your rice ready and have it cooked.  After 7 1/2 hours, mix the rice in with chicken and mix.  The chicken should just fall apart but you can do a little shredding yourself with some forks if you like.  The amount of rice you want is all up to your preference.  I think we had about 2 cups (before cooking it) and it was perfect.  Then you just put the mix in a tortilla and fold up like a burritto.  Am I awesome or what?

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