Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Big Churro Uh Oh

In honor of Cinco De Mayo, I'm rolling with the eating Mexican food (like I'd ever turn that down!).  Today I tried churros.  How. Fun.  You have to understand that I was raised in an itty bitty town in Northern California so my deep frying knowledge minimal.  I'm pretty good with french fries, I can even get fried squash tasting beyond yummy.  These past few years in Alabama have really exercised any frying skills I possess.  So you could see how churros would be a challenge. 

I googled "churro recipe" and came up on about 50 million gazillion ways to make the nummy gooey goodness.  I combined two to get what I was looking for.  The taste was right on!  The coloring was perfect!  I didn't have a pastry bag and used a ziploc bag instead, so honestly they kinda look like light-colored sugary dog poo.  But the middle?  It was not the barely gooey softness like it should have been.  It was almost completely raw in the middle.  I ate several of them regardless.  I have until Saturday to come up with the perfect churro.  For now, I have the not-so-perfect churro:

Oh well.  Anyway, here's my recipe:

1 cup water
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2T veg. oil
1 cup flour

In a small saucepan mix all but the last three ingredients.  Once it boils remove from heat and stir flour in.  It should start to form a ball...maybe 30 seconds of good stirring.  Then you drop the dough using a pastry bag (or cut the tip of a ziploc bag like I did) into the oil and fry.  You're on your own for the frying bit.  Drain on paper towels and then roll them in sugar and cinnamon.  Hopefully I'll have a happy update on the Uh Oh Churros soon.

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