Saturday, February 22, 2014

Healthy Schmealthy

Running a blog pretty much sucks.  It takes time that as a stay at home mom to three kiddos is something I have very little of.  It takes cool ideas and nifty writing skills.  So, I kind of shied away from Bratty Budgets.  I was more concerned with keeping the house clean (didn't work out), organizing my life (yeah, right), and focusing on life beyond my laptop (so far so good).  Buuut, I miss Bratty Budgets.  So, I'm back.  I figure I'll have a few sporadic posts here and there and it'll just have to suffice.

Anywho, update time.  I'm out of shape and my comfy jeans are too tight.  Button those babies up and I've got some serious muffin top overhang going on.  I'm cool with the extra weight but it'll be summer pretty soon and I plan on spending a lot of time in the pool.  This means sucking it in won't be good enough.  My family is now miserable as I have yanked all the unhealthy crap out of the cupboards and replaced them with fruits and veggies.  I read that you can eat veggies all day, as much as you want, and it's good for you (meaning the overhang shouldn't multiply like it would eating a whole bag of Ruffles).  The hardest part about this is fruits and veggies aren't for lazy people (me).  It also means the older kid's spend twice as long packing their lunch for school.  So I tried to make it easier.

I made a snack drawer in the fridge.  So far it consists of individual baggies of cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, and grapes.  I've also thrown in string cheese and a few cups of fruit.  I also have lots of other fruits and veggies but I'm not sure how to incorporate them into the snack drawer or the cabinet.  How long does kiwi last once you slice it?  What about clementines after they're peeled?  If you know, please pass it on to me. Otherwise I'll be doing some more googling.  For now, this is a good start.

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