I'm at a healthy weight, I'm just way out of shape. The problem with all of this working out is that I'm starving. Constantly starving! I also got rid of any junk food we had to tempt me so now the hubby and kiddos insist that they're starving. Thank God for Pinterest. There are soooo many recipes for healthy crap on there! The first one I came across was this one. Mine came out NOTHING like the picture so I had to tweak it into my own recipe. Big surprise.
Bratty Budgets
Good food. Save money. Humor. Me totally rocking. You know, just the usual.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Peanut Butter, Banana, and Chocolate Protein Cookies
I'm at a healthy weight, I'm just way out of shape. The problem with all of this working out is that I'm starving. Constantly starving! I also got rid of any junk food we had to tempt me so now the hubby and kiddos insist that they're starving. Thank God for Pinterest. There are soooo many recipes for healthy crap on there! The first one I came across was this one. Mine came out NOTHING like the picture so I had to tweak it into my own recipe. Big surprise.
Healthy Schmealthy
Anywho, update time. I'm out of shape and my comfy jeans are too tight. Button those babies up and I've got some serious muffin top overhang going on. I'm cool with the extra weight but it'll be summer pretty soon and I plan on spending a lot of time in the pool. This means sucking it in won't be good enough. My family is now miserable as I have yanked all the unhealthy crap out of the cupboards and replaced them with fruits and veggies. I read that you can eat veggies all day, as much as you want, and it's good for you (meaning the overhang shouldn't multiply like it would eating a whole bag of Ruffles). The hardest part about this is fruits and veggies aren't for lazy people (me). It also means the older kid's spend twice as long packing their lunch for school. So I tried to make it easier.
I made a snack drawer in the fridge. So far it consists of individual baggies of cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, and grapes. I've also thrown in string cheese and a few cups of fruit. I also have lots of other fruits and veggies but I'm not sure how to incorporate them into the snack drawer or the cabinet. How long does kiwi last once you slice it? What about clementines after they're peeled? If you know, please pass it on to me. Otherwise I'll be doing some more googling. For now, this is a good start.
Monday, April 29, 2013
If it's free I want it!
The first article that caught my eye was a Q&A about working from home. They had a few companies on there but I thought I'd mention what I've done (and occasionally still do). If you know how to transcribe you should check into Scribie. The best part is you get to pick and chose which dictations you want to transcribe. The downside is sometimes they don't have many available. Any good at writing articles? Look into Yahoo! Voices and submit your best. If they like it they'll pay you for it. I also take surveys. Lame, I know. But hey, $20 is $20.
Okay, now on to the fun free stuff. They had a lot to chose from, along with some I've already posted on prior posts. A new one I didn't know about? Going to the movies for free! Apparently you can sign up at advancescreenings.com and go for free. I haven't actually looked into it yet, but I will.
Books? Well, Amazon and Nook readers probably already knew about the thousands of free e-books but just in case you didn't you need to check out amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com to find them. I only read free e-books on mine and I absolutely love my Kindle! One of my best friends has a Nook and we've been known to hunt and share free titles together.
You can also get a ton of free magazines. I've posted many links before but my favorite by far is to Rewards Gold. You can take a short survey and then in turn pick out a free subscription. Right now they have Martha Stewart Living, The Wall Street Journal, and Latina.
Lastly, I've noticed a Coastal.com freebie has been floating around on Pinterest and also showed up in All You. They have a one time promotion where you can get a free pair of prescription glasses. This means I need to hurry and get my eyes rechecked since my prescription has expired. Oh how I love free. :)
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Taco Casserole
Guess who found a taco casserole recipe on Pinterest! And then guess who's internet was acting stupid the night I was going to make it! Yep. Me. Luckily I was determined (OK...I had 4 hungry kiddos, a hungry husband...and a hungry me...all wanting taco casserole. My 8 year old daughter put on her apron and we made our own version. It came out AMAZING!!!
1 lb hamburger
31 oz can refried beans
3 tomatoes
1 bell pepper
2.25 oz can sliced olives
Chunky salsa
Taco seasoning (make your own or buy some)
1 pkg fiesta mix shredded cheese
Tortilla chips
Cook your hamburger, add a 1/4 cup of water, seasoning, your bell pepper (sliced) and 2 tomatoes (diced). While letting that simmer pour your baked beans in a 8x10 dish and smooth. Crumble a couple handfuls of tortilla chips over it along with a light layer of cheese. Then pour your meat and veg mix and smooth. Next add more crumbled tortillas, cheese, the last tomato, diced, any bell pepper left, and the olives.
Place in the oven at 350 for 15-20 minuted. Serve and enjoy!
And just a side note, I apologize for the pics being out of order. I'm trying out the blogger app and I'm still figuring it out. :)
Insanely simple chicken sandwiches
We haven't eaten very healthy this weekend and we're suffering. I can actually feel how if affects me. My husband was even complaining about how sluggish he feels after eating pizza, greasy bratwurst, and chips. I believe I'm flattered!
So after a quick rundown of the fridge and cabinet stock I came up sesame buns, chicken tenderloins, cheddar cheese, tomatoes, and a bell pepper. Chicken sandwiches it was!
There is no recipe by the way. Just cook your chicken, throw everything on the bun, and eat it. Granted I did cook baked beans and some fries, but hey, it went well with a beer. Hehe.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Cheesy Mac and Ham
Now I can't feed a family of five a dish of macaroni and cheese (no matter how awesome it is) but I can feed them mac and cheese with ham...or just combine it all together and make an awesome dish of Cheesy Mac and Ham. So that's what I did. I skipped a lot of steps that people take when making homemade macaroni and cheese, but I think it still tastes awesome.
Spicy Rice and Beans
The newest creation is basically rice and beans but with a twist. It stays within the strictest of budgets, gives you plenty of leftovers, and isn't the plain old rice and beans that are so boooorrrrring. Did I mention it's easy? Like beyond easy?
Spicy Rice and Beans:
4 cups cooked brown rice
2 cups fiesta mix cheese
1 can rotel tomatoes with chilis
2 cans pinto beans
1-2 small tomatoes, diced
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, heat up, and throw on a tortilla. Told you it was easy!! ;)
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Hello Pinterest!
As you were. ;)
Birthday Freebies
© Photographer Jinyoung Lee | Agency: Dreamstime.com
I'm on kitchen strike today. The hubby grilled a late lunch for us so that is a good enough reason for me to encourage the kids to eat leftovers or scrounge the cabinets if they want something else. There's nothing wrong with PB & J every once and awhile. :)
So if I'm not eating (or thinking about eating...or cooking...or baking) then I'm looking for a good deal or a freebie. And since my lovely birthday is coming up (August 30th...I'm giving you all plenty of time to come up with some nifty gifts for me) in just a few months-just under half a year mind you-I believe it's time to get ready for reaping in the birthday freebies. The following links are mainly made up of places around where I live but I will gladly add on to it if anybody has any they know of.
Academy Sports - Sign up for their email to get a $5 gift card on your birthday.
Ace Hardware
Captain D's
Chicken of the Sea - Don't judge. You get a coupon.
CVS - Seriously! You usually get $3 in rewards!
Dippin' Dots
Firehouse Subs
Great American Cookie
Kmart - You won't get anything, but your child(ren) will get a $5 gift card!
Old Navy
Vera Bradley - Apparently most Vera Bradley stores will give you $20 off on your birthday as long as you bring id. I'd call ahead to be sure but WOW!
Waffle House - You guessed it--a free waffle!
For real?!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
The Mostest Bestest Chicken and Broccoli Casserole...ever....
The original recipe came out of one of those budget cook books we bought a few years back while at the check out. Part of it didn't sound so awesome, other parts involved ingredients I didn't have on hand, and then we added a few more ingredients. So maybe I'm cheating? Regardless, it's friggin' awesome.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Crock Pot Apple Sauce
I started with 6 gala apples finely chopped and thrown into the pot.
In a small bowl I added 1/2 cup of water, one tablespoon of brown sugar, 1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon, and nearly a 1/2 tablespoon give or take of vanilla extract. Stir it up together and then pour over the apples.
The applesauce should last a few days in the fridge but next time I might double the batch and put it in some freezer bags and freeze (it'll last about three months).
Entire cost to make this? No more than $5. :) Enjoy!
Friday, August 17, 2012
Stupid Pinterest. Leave me alone.
But anyway, we have a few logs cut up beside our fire pit in our backyard. Obviously these logs are for the fire pit, but I just had to get on pinterest and find this:
Is that not awesome?! I've seen others put a stump upright and plant some flowers that way, but this is awesome. Not to mention it would look awesome with some succulents or some hardy sort of plant that I could leave out all year long!
Okay, I need to go get groceries which means I probably need to actually brush my hair (dang!). Wish me luck on my could-be-might-happen-keep-your-fingers-crossed project!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Back to School! Finally!
Sadly I have made some pretty awesome meals but there's no pictures and I haven't even attempted to post them on here. Lucky for you all, school is starting Monday and two out of three of my babies will be out of the house for a few hours a day (meaning toddler's naptime will be dedicated to Brattys, cooking, a little cleaning, possibly a shower...and maybe just a nice rest in the recliner. Pfft).
So, maybe I am a little sorry I haven't been on here (my itchy fingers are soothed by typing this up already! Poor talkative hands!). I forget how good it feels to just...write (er, type). Until then, check out Bratty's Facebook, find me some budgeted meals, and keep an eye on your money--or lack thereof.
Much love!!
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Kiddo Sandwiches
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Shelly's Craft Shack
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Goulash (that's actually good)
1 lb ground beef
1 can low sodium tomato soup
2 cans diced tomatoes (no salt added, don't drain)
1 bell pepper, chopped
1 bag of egg noodles
onion powder (or a real onion if you like, but Josh isn't a fan of onions)
garlic salt
Cook hamburger, drain. In a large sauce pan add soup, tomatoes, bell pepper, and seasoning into hamburger and let simmer. Meanwhile, cook the egg noodles. Drain and mix with hamburger mix.
That's it. Not only is it good, but it probably takes 20-30 minutes to make and everyone likes it (well at least in our family. Even the baby had two servings!).
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
6/20/2012 freebies
Free Febreze Air Freshner
Free U by Kotex samples and clutch
Chomp Soap Industrial Hand Cleaner (All natural) free sample
POW/MIA poster - I'm getting these for my kids for sure! Forever thankful for POW/MIAs.
Find Your Bliss Bath Product Samples
Garnier Sleek and Shine Sample
Caswell-Massey lotion sample
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Tyka's Blackberry Wine Cake
1-1/2 cup of blackberry wine (about 1/2 the bottle...the other half is to drink while the cake is baking....)
1 box of blackberry jello (I had to use black cherry but it still tasted AWESOME)
4 eggs
1 cup of veg oil
1/2 cup of blackberry wine
pour over cake while cake is hot
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Better-Than-Applebee's Quesadillas
A couple months ago I found one of those copycat recipe websites and they happened to have Applebee's quesadillas featured on it. It sounded pretty good and we tried it. It tasted nearly identical but since then we have altered it to our own preferences. It's not nearly as greasy, the chicken isn't as dry, and the taste doesn't seem so...generic? Anyway, it's not hard to make and you can probably get away making it under $10. I can make 8 of them with 4 chicken breast tenderloins.
The how-to's:
Flour tortillas
4 chicken breast tenderloins, cooked and shredded
2 tomatoes, diced
8 slices of bacon, cooked and crumbled (cook it in the microwave and blot any extra grease)
1 pkg of shredded pepper jack cheese
1 pkg of shredded cheddar cheese
Tabasco chipotle sauce
Melt butter in skillet/large pan on medium. Place tortilla in pan. Brush a small amount of chipotle sauce on tortilla (I usually just cook the chicken in a good amount of chipotle but it's all personal preference). On half of tortilla add some chicken, tomato, bacon, and cheese and then fold in half. Cook both sides until golden and cheese is melted. Once done you can blot with a papertowel to remove any extra grease and then slice in half or fourths.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
6/12/12 freebies
Living the Country Life Magazine - free subscription
Latina Magazine - Free subscription -some of you may not be able to get it depending on what kind of job you have. I can get nearly any magazine off of here when I use "blogger" as my occupation, or a freelance writer.
Ebony Magazine - 11 issues
Maxim Magazine - 1 year subscription
Forbes Magazine - 1 year subscription
Newsweek Magazine - 1 year subscription
Town & Country Magazine - 3 year subscription
Seventeen Magazine - 3 year subscription
Chicken Pot Pie
1 refrigerated pie crust/shell, top and bottom (or homemade for you show offs)
1 to 2 cups of shredded or cubed chicken
2 cans of chicken gravy (or one jar)
2 stalks of celery, sliced
2 carrots, sliced
3 potatoes, cubed
veggies of your choice -- we were actually out of frozen peas which is what I wanted so I made do with just frozen corn and black eyed peas. Kind of weird, but hey, it was still good.
In a large pot boil all the veggies until tender. Drain. Add the gravy and chicken and season as needed. Lightly grease a casserole dish and place the bottom crust into the dish. Pour gravy mix into the crust and top with upper pie shell. Pinch upper and lower together and fork. Brush a small amount of butter over shell and then cut a few slits. Cook as directed for crust.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Vegetarian Tex-Mex Burritos
1 can of black beans, drained
1 can of corn, drained
1 can of diced tomatoes with peppers
1 cup of shredded pepperjack
1 1/2 cups prepared rice (we used white but I bet this would be good with brown rice, too)
Flour tortillas
Mix everything together in a bowl and put in the microwave until warm and the cheese is melted. Put mix onto a tortilla and roll into a burrito.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Easy Jumbo Pizza Rolzone
My recipe:
1 refrigerated pizza dough (this will make 5-6 pretty decent sized ones)
1 jar of pizza sauce
shredded mozarella and cheddar cheese
pizza toppings
Preheat the oven as directed for the dough. Roll the dough out, cut it into squares, spoon the sauce into the middle. Throw whatever pizza toppings you'd like into the middle. Roll the dough up into a tube and then pinch the sides closed. Lightly brush some olive oil on the dough and sprinkle a little garlic salt on it if you like. Put the rolzones on a large piece of aluminum foil, place in oven, and bake until golden and the dough is cooked through.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
How to cheat at enchiladas
You'll need:
1 to 2 lbs cooked hamburger
1 (10 3/4 oz) can cream of mushroom soup
1 (10 3/4 oz) can cheddar cheese soup
1 packet of taco seasoning
chopped green chiles (optional)
1 pkg shredded mexican cheese
8-8 inch flour tortillas
Mix the hamburger, cream of mushroom, half the packet of taco seasoning, a little cheese, and a few green chiles together. Pour the mixture down the middle of each tortilla, roll up, and place seam down into a lightly greased dish. Pour the cheddar cheese soup over the tortillas, sprinkle a little more taco seasoning, chiles, and shredded cheese on top. Put in the oven at 350 for about 20 minutes.
Monday, June 4, 2012
6/4/12 freebies
Free Personalized Father's Day Card Coupon Code LUVDAD2!
Free Sample of Stayfree with Wings
2 year subscription to SmartMoney
Free Sample of Finish Quantam Dishwashing Detergent
Tide with Febreeze Sample
Saturday, June 2, 2012
3 ingredient lemon squares
Friday, June 1, 2012
Popsicle time!
The possibilities are endless when it comes to being creative for popsicles. We only made four different kinds today but maybe after reading this you'll get new ideas and make your own (like banana and peanut butter pudding pop!).
The first one we did was cookies and cream pudding pop. So easy.
You'll need:
8 oreos (crush them up)
1 packet of instant vanilla pudding
2 cups of milk
Use a whisk to mix the pudding mix and milk until it starts to thicken. Stir in the oreos. Pour in a mold and freeze for about 5 hours.
Next was chocolate and peanut butter pudding pop.
1 packet of instant chocolate pudding
2 cups of milk
2 heaping spoonfulls of peanut butter (heat until runny)
Make the pudding as above and then stir in the peanut butter. Freeze.
Then we went on to berry yummy yogurt pops (cheesy much?).
Add one cup frozen strawberries, one cup of frozen rasberries, and one cup of fat free vanilla yogurt to the blender. Blend it well, pour into molds, freeze. You can eat it before it's too hard and it's basically frozen yogurt (duh....).
And lastly, we filled our molds (mini plastic cups...Elora had to sing "white solo cup" about fifty times while making these) with chopped pineapple and poured orange juice over it until full for summer chill pops. Freeze and enjoy.

Thursday, May 31, 2012
Whole Wheat Pancakes
My little girl also mastered how to make pancakes today as a side note. I'm so proud! She was even able to pour them, wait for the perfect time to flip, and even flipped them! Yay Elora!
On to the recipe:
2 eggs
2 cups milk
2 tablespoons sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups whole wheat flour
4 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons cinnamon
Whisk the first four ingredients until frothy. In a seperate bowl (or carefully on top of the liquids and sugar mix...I hate doing extra dishes) combine the dry ingredients and then mix into liquids mix until relatively smooth. Don't over stir. Then cook them like usual. This makes about 18 pancakes. We always freeze the leftovers for easy access when the kids want more pancakes and I don't feel up to making them.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012
5/29/12 freebies
Okay, the point of this was that when I opened the mail box I realized that I haven't posted any free samples lately. Oops! Here's four for now.
TriCalm lotion
Prilosec samples again!
Free Digital Sample from All You Magazine plus a coupon
5 free country songs from itunes
Homemade Sloppy Joes
1 to 2 lbs of hamburger (I just used one pound)
1 green bell pepper, chopped
1 can (6 ounces) tomato paste
1 cup ketchup
1 cup barbecue sauce (I used hickory smoked)
2 tablespoons vinegar
2 tablespoons worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons of brown sugar
Season to taste (I used garlic salt, onion powder, chili powder, and cumin)
Brown and drain the hamburger, add all the ingredients and mix. Bring to a boil and then let simmer for at least 20 minutes. You could also make this in a crockpot on low for probably 5 to 6 hours. Don't forget to warm your hamburger buns in the oven before serving!