Friday, August 17, 2012

Stupid Pinterest. Leave me alone.  I have once again been sidetracked.  Not pretty, shiny, glittery kind of things.  Not even I-must-have-those-shoes-and-forever-store-in-my-closet kind of things.  No.  This could be awesome.  Or, this could be a complete failure (meaning I'll plan the whole deal out and then either forget about it or no longer feel motivated to actually do it).

But anyway, we have a few logs cut up beside our fire pit in our backyard.  Obviously these logs are for the fire pit, but I just had to get on pinterest and find this:

Source: via Tim on Pinterest

Is that not awesome?!  I've seen others put a stump upright and plant some flowers that way, but this is awesome.  Not to mention it would look awesome with some succulents or some hardy sort of plant that I could leave out all year long! 

Okay, I need to go get groceries which means I probably need to actually brush my hair (dang!).  Wish me luck on my could-be-might-happen-keep-your-fingers-crossed project!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Back to School! Finally! I've totally slacked off big time on this whole blogging thing.  I'd apologize but I'm not sure if I'm actually sorry about it.  On the bright side I have been posting on Brattybudget's Facebook so techinically I haven't totally slacked off (right?).

Sadly I have made some pretty awesome meals but there's no pictures and I haven't even attempted to post them on here.  Lucky for you all, school is starting Monday and two out of three of my babies will be out of the house for a few hours a day (meaning toddler's naptime will be dedicated to Brattys, cooking, a little cleaning, possibly a shower...and maybe just a nice rest in the recliner.  Pfft).

So, maybe I am a little sorry I haven't been on here (my itchy fingers are soothed by typing this up already! Poor talkative hands!).  I forget how  good it feels to just...write (er, type).  Until then, check out Bratty's Facebook, find me some budgeted meals, and keep an eye on your money--or lack thereof.

Much love!!